Good credit scores are built on successful repayment of loans. But some times events outside of a borrower’s control make that impossible… and credit ratings suffer.
That’s when Laethem Certified Credit Assistance can help.
Led by our Certified Credit Assistance manager Andrew Norris, Ray Laethem’s financing team works with multiple lenders, all competing for your business.
This doesn’t guarantee that we can solve every credit challenge. If we can’t, we will tell you immediately and discuss options to remedy the situation.
Put Laethem’s Certified Credit Assistance program to work for you.
Laethem now has four full-time business managers on staff, with Andrew Norris as the subprime credit specialist. Above all, Andrew is committed to not wasting anyone’s time.
If he can’t get it done, he’ll let you know. So get the straight story from a person who knows the ropes. Call Andrew.
His direct line is: 313 453-5213 or email him at: [email protected].
Make an appointment. Get the facts.
Be sure to bring the following to your meeting:
If you are trading-in a vehicle, be sure to bring the registration (and title, if available) or any bankruptcy papers, if applicable.
That’s all you need.
Simple. Convenient. Totally transparent.
It is the LaethemWay.